Published 2010
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A historical guide to the city with a survey of its monuments.
“meticulously researched and beautifully written…vivid and entertaining…erudite and intimate.”
Sunday Telegraph
Published 2015
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A historical guide to the city with a survey of its monuments.
“an excellent guide to a city of bewildering mixed bloods and ethnicity, mixed architecture and mixed reputations.”
The Spectator
Published 2020
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Wide-ranging articles on the history, the cities, ancient sites and the artists.
“This guide to Sicily captures the island’s tumultuous history. … Culture-seekers will find Dummett’s section on artists useful.”
The Times
a trilogy by Jeremy Dummett
On this website you will find:
Details on the books, with extracts and press reviews
Information for visitors on Syracuse, Palermo and other cities
Information on ancient sites
Profiles of Sicilian artists
Blog with diverse subjects of interest on Sicily

Jeremy Dummett is an expert on the history and culture of Sicily.
A British national brought up in Melbourne, Australia, he attended Geelong Grammar School from where he went on to read history at Trinity College, Cambridge. In a long vacation he took a course in Italian at Perugia University which began a lifelong connection with Italy.
During his professional career, spent in marketing with international companies, he lived for several years in Italy since when he has been based in London.
Since retiring, Jeremy has been a regular visitor to Sicily. His books are the result of fifteen years of researching and exploring the island.